Tuesday, February 8, 2011

my lovely host family

T h e y   w e r e   g r e a t .

Mom, they loved the scarves!
My host family was sweet and loving. I couldn't have asked for more. The language barrier was difficult sometimes, but most sentences ended in laughter. My home stay sister is an English teacher in an elementary school. She became the translator between her parents and I. Soeun, my Korean sister, and I spent many nights talking and giggling late into the night. We talked about everything: school, God, friends, shopping, family, work, sports, music, fears and more. She also enjoys traveling and hopes to come to Chicago soon. So Great!
This is my home stay sister, Soeun. She was great and we got along really well from the start! I will miss her. While this picture looks graceful, it took a lot of work to capture it.  Below are the pictures that we took in an attempt to capture this picture. Enjoy.

"Say kimchi!"

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