Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Korean church (Check out this beautiful cathedral).

You can see a rapid spread of Christianity during trying times in Korean history. As countries invaded and strict laws effected the Korean people, many ran to churches or enrolled in Christian schools to gain a new perspective. In addition to providing a safe and comfortable place providing education, the passionate missionaries and preachers also contributed to the rapid spread Christianity. Today, Korea is one of the top countries to send missionaries to other countries.

In comparison to the church in America, there are many similarities to Christianity in Korea. In Korea, many people may label themselves as "Christians" because they want "to be associated with a group." Its a connection, something people wish to be identified with, I read in one of our class articles. However, although labeled as a Christian, some people may not diligently practice the faith. This can be found, easily, through the American Church as well.

Currently, Korea has the biggest church in the world. It is a pentecostal church that has over 300 pastors. The pentecostal church is not simply one single building; this church extends to many random areas around the city. This has dramatically effected the pentecostal movement in Korea, which is quickly growing. In America, the church is not necessarily moving into a pentecostal direction, but it is definitely swinging toward a charismatic route. Also, both Korean and American churches face liberal movement challenges.

This church is located on a tall hill just outside of one of Seoul's busiest shopping streets. The architecture was beautifully designed. I just had to take pictures of this cathedral. Here's a few:

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