Thursday, January 20, 2011

a seafood experience

my plate.
We went to a city known for its crab. The paintings and statues in town were pictures of crabs. As a person who is not a fan of seafood, I've never had crab, nor the desire to try it. However, I was willing to make an exception to enhance my cultural experience in Korea. In return for being so willing to try something new, they prepared the crab meat and, literally, put the crab - the whole crab - on my plate. I sat next to Prof. Chang, who coached me on how to eat a crab. 

He lifted the crab, holding four legs in each hand. I thought he was going to make a joke, name it or, even, show me something new (this was no joke and I definitely learned something new). Prof. Chang, in one motion, pulled the legs of the crab down. The structure cracked. I don't think I will ever forget the sound. He ripped off the legs and used the scissors to get to the meat. Then, he looked at me. 

"See, its easy," he said. "Now you try it." 

Although I started this particular experience with a positive, willing mindset, I do not think I was prepared for this part. Somehow, I did it (I may have even closed my eyes). As the rest of the team continued to crack and cut open the crab for meat, I joined in. I only ate the crab legs. The meat was tender and not really fishy at all, which was perfect for me. Thus, I enjoyed my first crab meal. I just can't get over the fact that they gave me a whole crab.

And that would be prof. Chang in the left corner. Anyways, check out how big this crab is.
It doesn't even fit on the plate. This was nuts!
We wrote our names on the wall in the restaurant.
(Don't worry, we were allowed to.)

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